Wednesday, April 23, 2008

And this is news... How?

I stumbled across this article on, an internationally respected "news" source. What gives? Why are we wasting time on something like "Elvis' Secret Visit to Britain"? Wasting printed paper, wasting internet bandwidth, wasting a small portion of my ram on insignificant articles like this. You may say to me, "Well Art, if you don't like it - don't read it". True, true, but to extend my personal opinion on this kind of wasted garble I suggest why can't we just keep this on the Elvis Presley Super Fan Club homepage. One central location that anyone, who gives a damn, can go and get updated on this and I guess finally get a good nights sleep since it's been nawing at them for the past 50 years.

Don't get me wrong, I myself enjoyed Elvis' music. NOT the movies, but the music I thought and still think is great. But COME ON! Let the man rest in peace already. Out of respect I submit the following article for those who give a damn.

Sorry guys, I originally posted the article and then remembered something about copywrighted material. Here's the link: Elvis' Secret Visit to Britain



danielg said...

Obviously, you are not a REAL Elvis fan. Elvis is always newsworthy.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Seeker! Oh and I'm from Chicago, So I'm enjoying all the food that you're missing!! That's what you get for dissing on Elvis! just kidding, you have your opinion, but even though he's dead, he still has a lot of fans.

Artster63 said...

Views well stated on the whole Elvis fan thing and as a matter of fact I was listening to one of my Elvis Greatest Hits cd's today. Great music, terrible movies and incidentally the latest on the Elvis trip is it didn't happen. So there, back to square one.